Paying attention to your time cards can save your company money and reduce payroll expenses. This just does not apply to business owners, it is also important for employees to pay close attention to their personal time cards to ensure they are being paid properly. In this blog we will go over why you should pay more attention to time cards and the tools that are available to help.
Employee time cards have an impact on your business
Depending on how you track and document, employee time cards can have a significant role on how your time is used when it comes to this part of your business. We all know time card keeping can become a pain in the rear end when you are manually tracking employees’ hours worked.
You may find employee time card documentation a very long and consuming process depending on the amount of employees you have working for you. Have you ever completed your time cards to be sent over to payroll to only realize there has been a mistake and you have to invest more time trying to figure it out? This is an unfortunate situation that many employers find themselves in far too often.
Small businesses around the world have discovered many issues when it comes to not paying more attention to their time cards. Below you will find a brief list of some very common mistakes that companies face from bad timesheet management.
- Punch rounding that could keep a company from staying within budget
- Inaccurate records of employee hours worked which could be significant in case you are required to provide this information due to legal purposes
- Increased errors in tracking paid time off
- Not knowing who worked and when
Employers using an online time clock to track employee hours
With the modern use of an online time clock system, many employers found their time cards to be 100% accurate with minimal or no effort needed on their end. Once you setup your account the web-based time clock system tracks all of your employee’s punch in and punch out times while generating your timesheets at the end of the pay period. This will also help companies to hold their employees accountable for hours worked and not worked.
Online time clock customers also have the ability to see the exact amount of hours worked to keep the company within payroll budget. This means no more guessing week to week. Users will also have the ability to provide accurate records if they are ever required to do so.
By eliminating the stress and time it takes to manually calculate weekly hours, an employer will have more time to invest into other parts of the business rather than losing time. This includes eliminating the process to convert hours and minutes to decimals. OnTheClock offers a free hours and minutes to decimals converting tool.
Tools to help employees keep track of their time worked
It is easy to only think about employers, business owners, managers and administrators when it comes to accurate time tracking, but the actual employees are just as important. Employees are the ones who play a huge role in generating production, profits, company branding and other important aspect to a company. So it is very important that he or she is properly paid for the time they have invested during their workweek.
Employees will have the ability to see the amount of hours they have worked when using a modern time clock system as their punch clock. This will allow them to know they are being paid for their exact time so it reflects on their paycheck. OnTheClock also offers free tools for employees to use such as a free time card calculator.
OnTheClock’s free time card calculator. This time tracking tool allows employees to enter their start and end times into a time card which are automatically calculated for a totaled amount. They have the choice to export their hours via Excel or PDF and add the workweek dates for accuracy purposes. This free tool is pretty neat because it allows employees to have a hard copy for their personal records.
It’s time for your company to pay more attention to time cards by using an online time tracking system
By this point in the blog I think it is safe to say that you understand the risks you and your company are taking by not using proper time tracking tools. OnTheClock offers a modern time clock system with a mobile app that will provide many features to its users to provide accurate timesheets for payroll. If you are still unsure if you should invest time with OnTheClock then we recommend reading some reviews by our customers from numerous platforms.
If you took the time to read through our reviews then you will see how our time clock has truly helped over 8,000 businesses around the world. Stop paying too much on payroll and start paying more attention to your time cards.